Leonie’s host family belongs to the wealthy castes and thus lives in a gated community in a wealthy neighborhood where they are closed off by poorer people. Leonie’s host mother tells her more about why this is so.

Host mother

In India, it is normal for richer people to isolate themselves from poorer people, this is an effect of the Indian caste system. The Indian caste system is a strictly regulated social community into which the inhabitants are born and consists of 5 main casts, further subdivided into 25,000 subcases. Click on the plus at the different boxes to find out more about them.


And how did the caste system come about in the first place?

Host mother

Well, there are two main approaches to determine the origin of the caste system: a religious approach and a historical approach. Read on to find out about those theorys.

Religious approach

The religious approach assumes that the Hindu god of creation Brahma created the different cates from his body parts.

Historical approach

The historical approach relates the origin of the caste system to the arrival of the Aryans in India in 1500 B. C. , who conquered and took over areas of northern India and pushed the natives to the south or into the jungles and mountains of northern India. The Aryans then organized themselves into the groups known today, which later also included non-Aryans.

Host mother

Although the caste system is extremely old and a modern society, which actively rejects the caste system, has formed in India, the caste system is still established in its society. Read the text to inform yourself about the caste system in today’s society.

In the 1950s, the state promulgated its constitution, which in theory grants equal rights to all citizens, regardless of their caste. However, although citizens have equal rights under constitutional law, the caste system is still present in Indian society today, as people are strongly isolated within their caste. More precisely, we expect people to marry a person within their caste, to limit the dealings with human and economic exchange to their own caste, and to adhere to the specific behaviors and customs of their caste (nutrition, occupation, appearance, etc. ). Even rural communities are structured by slums and gated communities on a caste basis. Thus, even in the 21st century, one can still speak of a deeply rooted caste society.


Later that day, I had to take a bus to get into the city, which made me see the glaring effects of the caste system. There are crowds of people here, who live on the streets and have to fight for their existence every day. Thanks to the caste system, however, these people have no chance to ascend and in the case of the untouchables are even publicly humiliated.